This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 280676.
Program: FP7 ‐ NMP
Duration: 48 months, March 2012 - February 2016
Coordinator: Berta Gonzalvo, Aitiip Technology Center
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Over a four year period, Dibbiopack has brought together entities and industries from all over Europe, which have delved into the formulation and manufacturing of smart packaging and materials (bottles for pharmaceutical use, cosmetics and food trays.) Their objective has been to go beyond the regulatory, technological, market and environmental milestones in the bioplastics sector.
Research conducted by over 100 people has provided packaging with functionalities that enhance product preservation while reporting on product condition within the packaging itself. By using cutting-edge nanomaterials, bioplastics packaging now presents mechanical and durability properties similar to those found in conventional plastics. Likewise it makes use of biodegradable films with enhanced barrier properties and sensors reporting on product content.
The project falls under the umbrella of a circular economy, a proposal by the European Commission at the end of 2015 with financial backing aiming to help companies and citizens make the transition towards a more efficient economy.
Ms Berta Gonzalvo, Project Coordinator and Head of Research and Development at Aitiip explained its benefits for end-users as “opening endless possibilities, since end-users will be able to see if the products they consume on a daily basis are in optimal condition, while using sustainable multifunctional packaging from environmentally sound and friendly raw materials.”
Dibbiopack partners are the following: Research Centres: AITIIP –coordinator- (Spain, Zaragoza), INSTM (Italy), CNR (Italy), VITO (Belgium), Fraunhofer ISC (Germany), TECOS (Slovenia), University of GALWAY (Ireland). Companies with R & D capacity: AVANZARE (Spain, Logroño), CONDENSIA (Spain, Barcelona), ARCHA (Italy, TEHNOS (Slovenia), PLASMA (Macedonia), INNOVIA Films (United Kingdom), GORENJE (Slovenia). End-users: NUTRECO (Spain, Toledo), HELP Pharmaceuticals (Greece), COSMETIC (Greece). Other types of entities: ALMA (France), SOGAMA (Spain, A Coruña).